Student Support

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Epsilon Net College, responding to the contemporary educational challenges, is making every effort to enhance the capabilities and attributes of every student by offering a wide range of support services, such as Personal Tutoring, Counselling, Learning Support and Career Services, Bursaries & Scholarships. The Student Affairs, the Alumni and the International Office secure our students’ welfare and the active Students’ Union promises an exciting student life.

All students are supported in their learning experience by highly qualified and committed academic staff, extensive libraries, IT facilities, electronic resources and fully-equipped labs and workshops.

We are committed in supporting and inspiring our students by frequently inviting experts from Epsilon Net Group Network. Experienced professionals, with a variety of backgrounds and career paths, are invited to provide to our students, their expertise and experiences. Our students, as a result, have the opportunity to view their studies from a different point of view, by gaining practical knowledge and understanding, enabling them to adopt a more pragmatic approach toward their studies.

M Masters D Diplomas B Bachelors