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Graduation is one of the highlights of our academic year. It is a time to celebrate student’s hard work and achievements, and to mark the start of their next adventure and also a special moment for the faculty and staff of the college. It marks the end of a demanding effort, full of knowledge, experiences and pleasant memories, and the beginning of a professional career, or the occasion for a professional upgrade for some others. We look forward to sharing this unforgettable day all our students and their guests.

At Epsilon College we organise annual Awards Ceremonies in Athens and Thessaloniki. The ceremonies take place in central city venues, following the ritual of the partner UK Universities. Parents, relatives and friends of the graduates are all welcome, while the event is also honoured by the presence of prominent personalities of the State, the Academia and Culture as well leading professionals from the business world.

The Awards Ceremonies include keynote speeches and addresses by representatives of the partner UK Universities and renowned members of the Greek society. In the same event, awards, prizes and scholarships are awarded to staff and students of Epsilon College, while honorary prizes are presented to distinguished personalities of our social life.

Graduates of Epsilon College are encouraged to participate in graduation ceremonies organized by the partner University and experience this significant milestone in every student’s life on campus. All our graduates, without exception, receive a relevant invitation from the partner University.

M Masters D Diplomas B Bachelors