Epsilon College and IEK DELTA joining forces

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Epsilon College and IEK DELTA joining forces to support all students to fast track their career. This collaboration is established to achieve one of the main goals of the college which is to provide its students and partners with the best educational services, so that they can immediately apply the newly acquired knowledge in their daily work or use the provided qualifications as a resource for their professional career.

Since the establishment of Epsilon College, our vision remains consistent: To provide every business corporation and sole trader with unlimited access to scientific information and knowledge, nationally and internationally, by fully utilising the capabilities of state-of-the-art technology.

Our mission is to do everything possible to foresee technological changes with the most effective way. In other words, to monitor knowledge advances in the field of information technology and develop specialised products and services to fully cover business needs.

Last, but definitely not least, to preserve the same values that lead us to the success through all these years: creativity, dreams and smile, positive energy, optimism and passion.

From 1971 until today, IEK DELTA has been operating continuously in the field of Private Education, offering Post-Secondary Vocational Training Level 5 studies.

The combination of almost half a century of experience and continuous development and contact with new trends and technologies, as well as the specialised and committed staff, make IEK DELTA the ideal starting point not only for your studies, but also for the realization of your goals.

Students of both institutions have the opportunity to use Epsilon College career services.

More than 120,000 companies who are active in the broader economic environment, base their daily operation on Epsilon Net products and services, thus ensuring they get timely and valuable information, necessary for decision-making.

The Epsilon College’s soundly organised, Career Office, by capitalising on the network of Epsilon Net Group, provides access to student to the largest private Greek companies, maximising the employment opportunities of students and alumni.

Epsilon College supports all students and Alumni to achieve their career aspirations as a graduate, by connecting them with Epsilon Net Group network employers and preparing them for a future beyond the Epsilon College.  95% of our graduates are in employment or further studies

M Masters D Diplomas